ZRÍNYI Limited Liability Company

Address: H-2143 Kistarcsa, Raktár krt. 1.
Company registration number: 13-09-188461
Place of registration: Budapest District Court Registry Court
Tax number: 10863781-2-13
Community tax number: HU10863781
Email address: info@zrinyi.eu

Registration number of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: BU10863781
Registration number of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers: C-13-03718
Hungarian Chamber of Architects registration number: C-13-6182
Construction Contractors Registrationnumber: 26B72466

The name of the service provider: C-Host Kft.
Address: H-1115 Budapest, Halmi u. 29.
Company registration number: 01-09-961790
Tax number: 23358005-2-43
Email address: info@nethely.hu
Phone number: +36 1 445 20 40

Prior written consent of ZRÍNYI Limited Liability Company is required to use, publish, copy any content and graphics on the site.